By Raine Grant
When people think about personal development they usually focus on their own personality and on their body but end up neglecting one of the most important things in existence: the Spirit. The Spirit is essentially their essence and even so it is neglected due to the lack of understanding regarding it.
Spiritual development isn’t easy but it is well worth it. In order to develop our Spirit we need to understand it a little better and we need to use the proper tools (just like we use a gym for physical development). We offer a tool called the Dimensional Doorway Floor Mat that is going to allow your Spirit to reach other dimensions of growth.
The mat is triangular in order to incorporate the power of three and to master the three main facets of our existence: mind, body and spirit. Essentially the mat works as a corridor to another realm that allows further knowledge to be acquired - knowledge that would otherwise be impossible to acquire.
There are three colors of the mat, green, red and blue have been chosen due to the representation of their special attributes: green for growth and fertility, red for strength and determination and blue for wisdom, confidence and harmony. Among these there are other attributes involved that support the main ones.
The best possible way to alert the dimensional kingdoms of your presence is through the use of sound – hence the presence of a musical triangle and a declaration bell to help you make your presence felt on the dimensional kingdoms. The combination of the sound coming from these tools is going to act as a key to the spiritual dimension allowing you to grow on a spiritual level through the knowledge you are going to be given.
Once you invoke the power through the sound you should be ready for the vortex of forces you are going to create, as this vortex is going to bring change into your life and into your heart. The mat itself is a symbol, a symbol that will help generate energy to develop your spiritual presence.
In order to help people develop spiritually and in order to help them relate with our Energy Healing Modalities we are introducing the doorway to other dimensional kingdoms on our website here: