By Raine Grant
Albert Einstein is known for many things and one of his most remarkable quotes is that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. While that is not the true definition of insanity according to English dictionary, it stands true especially since we are humans who are also creatures of routine. Even those who pride themselves as spontaneous and impulsive do a lot routine stuff in their lives. But at the end of the day, if you want to achieve different results, then you have to try something different. Start by taking a look at Free Energy Healings.
There is no way around it if you want a different tomorrow, you have to do something different today. Unfortunately, not everybody is open to the idea of change and that’s probably why many of us have become slaves of routine. We want a better paying job but don’t want to put in more work, we want new skills but we aren’t willing to put in the extra time and energy required to do so. Some of us want to stop worrying about debt all the time but we can’t bring ourselves to stop incurring unnecessary expenses. We all have desires of things we want to achieve in our lives or change but because we are slaves of routine, we never get past dreaming and wishing.
Can you imagine how your life would transform if you were more open to change and did a few things differently? For starters, your life becomes more fulfilling because you are a step closer to achieving what you’ve dreamed of for a long time. This ultimately makes you a happier person. And let’s face it, who wouldn’t want to be happier in their lives? So it doesn’t make much sense to insist on doing what you have been doing for years without any productive results. Want a better home for your family? Get a job and save money to build a better home. Better yet, be a better parent and spouse. Want to start a business? Develop your skills and get started on sourcing the required capital. Want to be happier? Invest in a better lifestyle of energy medicine.
Continuing to do what you are doing is not going to make your life any more fulfilling than it was yesterday. Unless you change your course of action, you will stay on the same path you have been on for several months or worse, years. And if you found what you’ve been looking for, keep doing what you are doing.
Continuing to do what you are doing is not going to make your life any more fulfilling than it was yesterday. Unless you change your course of action, you will stay on the same path you have been on for several months or worse, years. And if you found what you’ve been looking for, keep doing what you are doing.