By Raine Grant
You are probably aware of the fact that vitamin D is an important nutrient which is best gotten from sunlight. However, what you may not know is that the sun provides a whole lot more benefits that extend beyond provision of vitamin D. Heliotherapy, or sun therapy, is a form of therapy where sunlight is used directly to treat medical conditions like tuberculosis. This method of treatment was used long before the invention of modern medicine. Find out about Alternative Medicine.
When the skin is exposed to sunlight, you experience invisible changes in the circulatory system such as modification of the capillaries. You see, the skin is closely linked to the autonomic nervous system. This means that exposure to the skin affects more than just the skin tan. A good example is when you live in cold conditions, your body won’t require much water but if you live in summer conditions, your body will need to replenish its water supply regularly.
Vitamin D, provided by vitamin D, is considered a chronological stress hormone, which along with other stress hormones, helps regulate the level of blood sugar. When we talk about exposure to sunlight to maximize simulation of vitamin D, what we are really talking about is a very small portion of how exposure to sunlight can benefit us.
Vitamin D plays a vital role in disease prevention as well as maintenance of optimal health condition. This nutrient only affects 3,000 genes out of the 30,000 genes found in the human body. It also affects receptors found all over the body. A large scale study conducted a few years ago found that vitamin D can reduce the risk of cancer by up to 60%. To put it simply, keeping vitamin D levels optimized helps reduce the risk of 16 types of cancers including skin, prostate, ovarian, lung and pancreatic cancers.
The human body is built to adapt to different light conditions i.e. bright light during the day which is often unfiltered and low-level firelight in the evenings that’s often followed by darkness. Due to the contrasting amount of light during the day and night, it’s advised to maximize exposure to sunlight.
Exposure to sunlight is by far the best medication for several reasons some of which have been discussed above. It also helps with spiritual healing through regulation of stress hormones. Our team of Famous Spiritual Healers can help you get started on your journey of spiritual healing.
Vitamin D plays a vital role in disease prevention as well as maintenance of optimal health condition. This nutrient only affects 3,000 genes out of the 30,000 genes found in the human body. It also affects receptors found all over the body. A large scale study conducted a few years ago found that vitamin D can reduce the risk of cancer by up to 60%. To put it simply, keeping vitamin D levels optimized helps reduce the risk of 16 types of cancers including skin, prostate, ovarian, lung and pancreatic cancers.
The human body is built to adapt to different light conditions i.e. bright light during the day which is often unfiltered and low-level firelight in the evenings that’s often followed by darkness. Due to the contrasting amount of light during the day and night, it’s advised to maximize exposure to sunlight.
Exposure to sunlight is by far the best medication for several reasons some of which have been discussed above. It also helps with spiritual healing through regulation of stress hormones. Our team of Famous Spiritual Healers can help you get started on your journey of spiritual healing.